SARI is appalled but unsurprised that one of Ireland’s magnificent young athletes, Rhasidat Adeleke, who gave the nation such joy at last week’s European Athletic Championships in Rome, has suffered racial abuse online. 

It is shocking that one person - the only black member of a wonderfully talented team of athletes - can be targeted in this manner. This is another wake-up call for our legislators and those who govern Irish sport. Unfortunately, working at the frontline of diversity and inclusion for decades, SARI has little confidence that institutional Ireland will set about tackling this threat to the wellness of our society in anything like the profound manner needed. 

For some time, the signs of increased racism and an underlying hostility toward Ireland becoming a more diverse society have been evident. SARI has warned of this and of the urgent need for greater attention to be paid to the proactive encouragement of multiculturalism. It is internationally accepted that sport is a particularly appropriate means of training and educating citizens in the richness of a society that is diverse and inclusive.

SARI has taken the imperative of this to government and to Sport Ireland but to little or no avail. It’s through training and education that minds can be informed and hearts opened. SARI specialises in this work but to meet a growing need requires resourcing. 

This should be led by government but supported by all commercial interests that sponsor sport. The continuing indifference of most stakeholders is contributing to a situation where those among us who dislike multiculturalism are emboldened to spread fear and hatred. 

What happened to Rhasidat Adeleke this week, after she brought such glory to Ireland is, sadly, just reflective of what a great many in our society are dealing with on a daily basis.

SARI would ask that, this time round all those whose responsibility it is to correct the problem would wake up to the nature of the challenge.

JUNE 15th 2024


